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"JOY" defined:  is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness; the emotion evoked by well-being, success or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires; the expression or exhibition of such emotion. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)


Joy Rising Movement is a network designed to empower and elevate a woman's journey to her true self.  We provide resources and services that focus on a number of areas including: 

  • Self-Care & Wellness

  • Personal Development & Executive Coaching

  • Financial Health & Sustainability


The Joy Rising Movement Blog is about storytelling.  We can connect better when we share our own stories of triumph, rising from failure, struggles and amazing memories. When we tell our truth, we realize that we aren't alone in our feelings or circumstances.  And often we find that in connecting over shared experiences, we grow stronger, create deeper relationships and find the joy in every moment we encounter.


And that is really the find ways to let joy rise up to greet you in your every day life.  Stop waiting for something big and magical to happen. Seek beauty, light and love in the things that take place all around you, all the time.  Joy happens now when you seek, connect and celebrate the precious moments that make up your messy and beautiful life!


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