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Between the Sheets

I woke up this morning full of energy. Once I was out the bed, I didn't lay down again until evening. These days it's touch and go with my body, so imagine my surprise when I was up and moving around with ease.

I cooked food for the family and had a lazy day just watching the Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce on television while the kids did their own thing. It was my time and I was loving it! I actually got out of the house (driving after a hysterectomy is comical to say the least), went to the mall and got a few things for Christmas. It felt so good to take care of my needs today and spend a little quality time getting to know this new me.

But by 10pm I was finally in my bed when all of a sudden that bitch shows up again. I could feel her enter at my feet and slowly make her way up my back and around my shoulders; it took my breath away. Now this hot flash had me whipping off covers, removing socks (it's December!) and searching for cool relief and then I was freezing and wanted my socks back on! This is a mess to say the least.

This is certainly not the type of hot action I want in between the covers. But hey, this is where I am right now in my life and I guess I better get used to it. I will have to use my imagination and start calling my flashes "Idris" to get some satisfaction. A girl can dream, right!? Well that's only if I could actually fall asleep ...between the sleepless nights and the lava-like flashes, I'm not sure when that will happen.

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