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Grow in Your Strength

Over the years I have seen difficult times. I have experienced some devastating situations that have left me bruised, broken, and unable to see my way clear. Those were times that now I know were full of so many lessons and blessings and look back on them with a grateful heart. 

I grew in my strength, in my faith and in my sense of self. I learned that you can't worry and pray at the same time and that even when you are at your lowest point, you still must find a way to give thanks-Maya Angelou taught me that. 

I know some of you are faced with similar circumstances and I even still face moments that bring me to my knees. But don't lose sight of yourself and the fact that you will get through to the other side. Your strength and resilience will carry you when you are weary. Don't give up, never give in. Remain faithful. Dig deep. Cry if you have to and then get back up. 

Joy rises from the bits and pieces of your every day. Don't let bad times steal away your joy.

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