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Recalibrating | Lisa J. Perry

You know how when you're using your GPS and suddenly you make a wrong turn? Your friendly and sometime annoying GPS voice comes on and says "recalibrating."  It's a calm and reassured tone that doesn't alarm you but just quickly let's you know that there will be an adjustment to get you to your destination due to a wrong turn. 

And so what do we do? We just refocus, listen intently for the new directions and off we go; we get back on track. Well, that's how life is if we are paying attention to the voices and signs in our lives. 

See, life is messy. There's no one way to happiness or success. There are a myriad ways to your destination and sometimes it's best to take the scenic route. But with that, there is always an internal compass (your built-in GPS) that will point out the rough terrain, roadblocks, detours and u-turns you have to make. 

The thing is that you can't beat yourself up over having to change course or whether that new route is going to take a bit longer. You just need to recalibrate and get back on your journey. Don't let fear, new challenges, time or even other back seat drivers tell you how you should get to your finish line. 

Here's what you can do

1.  Determine your destination

It's important to have goals. It's imperative that before you set out on your journey, you know where you want to end up. Of course you can remain flexible, but starting out toward a specific goal, or destination will be key. 

2.  Set your course

Have a plan for accomplishing what you want. Spend some time on this one so that you are clear and confident that you are in alignment.  

3. Pack accordingly

Now that you have done the planning, it's time to make sure you have what you need to make this trip. This could include going back to school or getting some additional training. You might need to set up a work space or hire staff. And often you may have to save the resources you need for the tolls, fuel and stops along the way. 

Here's where it can get tricky...there will be things  that can't fit into your suitcase and certain folks can’t ride shotgun. You have to be discerning. 

Don't let unnecessary baggage weigh you down. Consider the things that will serve you well-what will strengthen you, challenge you, love you, grow you, nurture you? 

4. Enjoy the Ride

Now it’s time to get out on the open road. Fill your tank with gas and start your trip. No matter your destination, it’s important to take in the scenery, make a few pit stops, roll down your window or put the top down. 

When you are on your journey, don’t get frustrated if you make a wrong turn or say “yes”to the wrong opportunity. If you’ve been intentional about where you want to go, your personal GPS will redirect you and sometimes, you blaze a totally new path!

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