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The Struggle Bus

Have you had a difficult time lately? Are you struggling with a health issue, serious decision to make, issues with a child, or financial challenges? 

I know that during times like these that drain our spirits and feel so overwhelming, we can shut down, isolate ourselves and feel hopeless. 

I want to let you know that there will be a point in your life where you’ll look up and realize that you’ve made it through that valley. You will see that all the praying, working to move your life forward come to pass. 

Here are a few steps to help you along:

Get Still: When you are in a difficult place or experiencing challenging times, it is best to find some time to step away from the situation and get still. I don’t  mean that you have to meditate. Stillness can mean sitting in a quiet and relaxing part of your home (even if it’s your bedroom) where you can shut the world out and listen to the beautiful beat of your heart. Slowing down and tending to your emotions can be a great way to help with the next step. 

Journaling: Some people think this is like writing in your diary when you were younger. But I’m talking about the grown way of expressing your thoughts, plans and gratitude. Writing down these things is a powerful way to make your thoughts, desires and goals real. It’s also a wonderful way of capturing moments and memories that you can look back on as you work toward your destination. 

Set Your Intentions: To ensure that you will move past your challenges, having a plan or at least an intention is very helpful. Ask yourself-what do I want after I make it past this issue? How will my life be changed/better once I see the light at the end of this tunnel? What will it feel like to have succeed at this goal? Or even “what do I want to accomplish?” Write your answers in your journal, post them where you can see them daily, remind yourself of your intentions often, but don’t tell everyone you know. Sometimes it’s best to keep your dreams and goals to yourself as you begin to structure and shape them. Once your intentions are clear and secure, sharing them with your circle of support can help others keep you accountable.

Be Gentle with Yourself: How is it that we can show compassion for everyone but ourselves? But that changes today. Forgive yourself for being so unwavering and allow your spirit to come to your aid. 

Find the Funny: Even in the saddest of circumstances there is always something  you can find to lift your spirits and make you freeer, lighter. They say laughter is the best medicine and that is very true!

Take your First Step: You just have to start. You can’t do every all at once, but in order to get off the struggle bus you must start your engine and take your foot off the break. Slowly you can build up momentum and off you go...

The journey starts and ends with you. Know that you are worth the trip. If you’re lucky, you just might find a few more folks to join you and everyone can take turns driving!

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