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No Resolutions...Just Intention

So I was inspired by Shonda Rhimes' book "A Year of Yes" as it got me thinking about what I could do for 365 days that might possibly be transforming for me and could possibly inspiring to others. I have always wanted to create a life that would motivate and uplift other women in the process and while I have struggled over the past few years to bounce back from divorces and lost dreams, I still know my life could mean something more than being a wife and mother.

We are all searching for our sweet spot-the moment when you feel like you are just humming along and everything seems to fit snug in the puzzle called life. I am a lover of life lessons and grew up in the church of Oprah from her very beginning on network television. I always welcome the opportunity to grow and have been so self-aware ever since I was a child (almost to a fault).

This new year I didn't want to set out to create a list of things I wanted to accomplish because that has never really gotten me very far. I also seem to lose steam or talk myself out of my goals even before I start. My ongoing resolution has always been that I will lose 30 pounds each year since giving birth to my first child 20 years ago! Now you know I need to stop that!

At 48 years old, I know that each day I don't live my purpose, I am denying myself of a life well lived. At this time in my life, I feel as though I am disrespecting God's desire for me and I know my time is now!

What does that mean? It means that over the years I have held myself back from fully experiencing life-due to fear-due to doubt-due to uncertainty. I have sabotaged so many moments where I could have walked directly into my greatness and that MUST and will change. I have had difficulty seeing the glass as half-full. That is until for the next 365 days I am going to challenge myself (and I hope you will join me) to make friends with joy. I'm going to redefine my life from a place of audacious intention.

So, no resolutions about my weight, my finances, my career, or anything else. I am just planting myself where I am and building my intentional muscles to create strength for my journey.

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